The future of roller derby…
Winnipeg Junior Roller Derby
Winnipeg Junior Roller Derby was founded in 2011 to teach kids how to skate and play the sport of roller derby safely. WJRD accepts all genders aged 5-17 into its program. The program takes place every year from October-June. No skating experience is required; all the skills needed to play roller derby will be taught in the program!
The WJRD program consists of 3 skill-based levels. When new skaters enter the program they will be taught basic skating skills such as standing, stopping, moving together, and backwards skating. Skaters will then progress to Level 1 where these basic skills will be built upon. To progress to the next levels skaters must pass a levels test. This is to ensure the safety for all skaters. Levels 2 and 3 work on progressively more advanced skills and eventually progress to full contact.
Gear required
All safety gear is required to play.
Helmet (bike helmets with points are not permitted)
New mouth guard
Elbow pads
Wrist guards
Knee pads
Roller skates - skates can be rented for a fee if needed, prices may vary
Winnipeg unfortunately does not have a roller skate shop. There are a couple derby specific shops in Canada where gear can be purchased from: Roller Girl, Lowlife, Nerd Roller Skates.
Cost of the program
Ages 5-7: $160 per season
Ages 8-17: $260 per season
*Please note that insurance ($67) must be obtained from Roller Sports Canada prior to the first scheduled class.